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let’s discover and share the beauty in your story.


vision statement

Because I am intentional, a communicator, and multi-faceted, I have a passion to help people who are learning to recognize their identity answer the question “is there more'“ by coming alongside them to discover and share the beauty and universal similarities in their stories.



I could do an ‘about me’ page where I share my favorite color and book, but I believe to really know me is to know what I value and from there seeing how my values effect my behaviors. My four core values are essentially what I live out everyday. They are what has molded me into a storyteller and are things I get to celebrate as a daughter of the King!! My values are not dependent on emotion or circumstance (as a book or color may be), but they are rooted in the truth of my identity in Jesus Christ and lay a foundation for who I am better than an “about me” page ever could.


I want to constantly view the world through a lens of newness and awe. Allowing wonder to push me to deeper thought about the natural world around me and how it reflects the character of God.

02. Communication

Clear communication allows me to understand others better and love them in the best way they receive love. Communication also allows me to understand my value in a relationship and share the same in return.

03. Fellowship

Fellowship is an intimate relationship of me choosing you and you choosing me. Fellowship is the desire to become one with my brothers and sisters around me, to be unable to see where they end and I begin - true intimacy.

04. Truth

I seek truth as a desire to find understanding. A desire for truth is displayed through curiosity and a constant desire to ask ‘why?’


not just a photographer



I am a storyteller. It is my birthright, my inheritance. Worship is my heart language and storytelling is my dialect. The function of storytelling is the same, only the form changes. Sometimes the form looks like photography, sometimes it looks like blogs, vlogs, or even watercolor. Whatever the medium, my desire is to create something that speaks life and expression. I don’t merely want to work FOR people, but WITH people as they learn to tell their own unique story.