SHE'S BALD : video

a few weeks ago, one of my girls shaved her head. This is what she had to say about it straight from her blog: 


"WHATTT!?!?? Yes, you just read that right. I buzzed my head, found a couple bald spots, & began walking in freedom! how many times have you looked in the mirror & lost confidence because of what you saw? if your answer is too many to count, me too. this week i realized that our God is the God of freedom. He is a God that created me in His image. How dare i look into a mirror & call myself anything less than a citizen of the kingdom? I have wanted to buzz my head since 8th grade, but was too consumed in what the world would think, or how they would label me. This week, God revealed that He has so much more in store & that by walking in obedience, freedom, & confidence i am better equipped to serve Him. the world has no hold on me! 

i encourage all of you ladies out there to ask God what is holding you back from looking in the mirror & seeing His reflection. " 

kaylin's blog

I am currently in Gainesville, Georgia discipling and leading the next Gap Year racers! I have the honor and privilege of leading 6 beautiful women who just ...

I wanted to create a project that would allow her to remember why she shaved her head and to share her story across the nation. I made this video and posted it on youtube and instagram. The result was mind blowing. People we didn't even know were commenting how her story was changing their lives. WOW thanks God. It has been over a month since Kaylin shaved her head, but I wanted to upload the video here for my supporters to see the ministry they donated their finances to in action.

Ellie Miller1 Comment